The Growth of Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce

Artificial Intelligence

Technology in e-commerce is changing the world of online shopping as we know it. While in-person businesses are almost becoming a thing of the past, e-commerce is a major industry. As demands continue to grow, companies need to find new ways to boost the customer experience and provide value.
The biggest technological introduction that’s altering e-commerce for the better is artificial intelligence (AI). This trend towards automation means online retailers are able to utilize data, promote products, and target customer needs more efficiently. Keep reading to explore how the growth of AI in e-commerce is changing online shopping as we know it.

Personalized Recommendations

Have you ever felt like your computer knew you better than you knew yourself? That’s becoming more common today as AI technology joins many popular websites. You can see this clearly with Amazon’s online shopping marketplace, where your personalized recommendations are front and center. By using data about your past shopping habits, artificial intelligence can make smart recommendations about similar products you’ll be equally interested in.
How big of a deal are AI recommendations? According to Question Pro, Amazon increased their sales by almost 30% when they introduced tailored content to their homepage. We’ve all fallen for a recommended product, and this helps create a more efficient shopping experience for both users and companies.


While people would usually have to rely on an actual person in customer support to answer questions about shipping, products, and orders, now the computer can do it. Chatbots are a form of AI tech that uses data to answer even complex questions. These online assistants can respond to queries, help with orders, and even book reservations.
One of the first companies to take on the chatbot for their customers is 1-800-flowers, a bouquet specialist. With their Facebook messenger bot, you can easily get help with an order and even send flowers to a loved one all through the messenger. It’s easy to use, and it’s a great alternative to the traditional online shopping experience.

Stronger Websites

AI technology helps keep websites performing at a higher level. In the past, companies could get away with a website that doesn’t work 100% of the time. Today, that’s a different story. Customers are savvier than ever, and they’re less likely to return if they experience a problem while viewing your online retail site.
Things like errors, slow load time, and broken links can result in a customer switching to a competitor. With such a low threshold for mistakes, it’s more important than ever to find automated solutions to web problems. With a system like Loggly, you can stay on top of your potential problems and server response time automatically. Click here to learn more about PHP Logging Basics in the ultimate guide to logging so you can guarantee your website is customer ready.

Marketing Assistance

Believe it or not, AI technology can even help with complex marketing campaigns. With so much competition in the digital space, it’s no wonder companies are looking for unique ways to gain an edge. AI Albert is designed for full-funnel digital campaign orchestration and is the first of it’s kind.
AI Albert can help with everything from testing and automation to media buying. It’s like having the full scope of a marketing team without any of the work. We can expect to see more automated marketing efforts like Albert in the near future.

The world of online commerce today is a much different place than it was five years ago. Things change fast around here, and only the most adaptable businesses will keep up. As you can see, artificial intelligence has made its mark on the industry, and it’s here to stay. How can you use AI tech to grow your own e-commerce business?

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