Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy for Brand Strength

Our marketing counsel is based upon demonstrated expertise in strategic thinking, planning, evaluating, and stakeholder research to help define your brand attributes.

Strategic Thinking & Consulting

We help businesses define and communicate their value in strategic and focused ways. Whether you need consulting on your brand strategy, your business strategy, a product launch strategy, or another area of marketing, Scheffey’s experts can help bring a fresh and experienced perspective.

Marketing Plans

We begin with an overall budget and build a plan to incorporate multi-channel tactics to accomplish your marketing goals. A potential mix of digital marketing, public relations, traditional advertising, brand strategy – and the list goes on. Our team will identify the strategies best aligned with your business and its customers to build a plan that meets your budget objectives.

Marketing Audits

Your current marketing efforts tell a story. Attract & Delight's will audit your print materials, advertising placements, website, social networks, and more to analyze strengths, weaknesses, gaps, and opportunities.


We help businesses and organizations solicit, analyze, and act upon customer and stakeholder feedback to strengthen their brand and the effectiveness of their marketing. Whether you have feedback but don’t know what to do with it; or you need objective solicitation to acquire that feedback, our team can help you move from assumption to understanding.

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